vision & goals

Art247 Programs:
To accomplish our goal in our missions to increase our arts programming, ART247 will undergo a series of facility renovations to incorporate additional classrooms and accommodations to further develop and enhance our rich arts community.
Over the next several months first floor ADA compliant/Handicap Accessible classrooms will be phased into use, incorporating current available space within the Arts complex at 247 Market Street, Lockport NY. As the use of the classrooms begin, Art247 will begin scheduling new arts classes, programs, and instructions.
Some of our exciting new arts programming will include Paint-and-Sip weekly sessions, Cofffee-Paint weekly sessions, Date-Night Art Classes, Family Paint Sessions, and further themed painting parties for those not artistically inclined to come enjoy art in a relaxed atmosphere of fun and creativity. We will also be increasing our programming in both children and adults beginner and advanced lessons in a variety of media from oil and watercolor to photography and mixed media.
Attached is a glimpse of ART247's vision for facility renovations to incorporate additional classrooms and accommodations to further develop and enhance our arts community.
YouTube: ART247 Classrooms Vision